The term Growth Hacking is increasingly used in the world of digital marketing. However, few people know how to define it, and even fewer put it into practice. Very popular in the United States, Growth Hacking is not yet a star practice in Business. By definition, Growth Hacking is a set of techniques called “hacks” aim at the rapid business expansion company.
The vision of Growth Hacking
There is a large community of rapid Business expansion, and particularly in Paris. This community discusses Growth Hacking techniques through different platforms. It can be very interesting to learn about the latest developments in this field, given that a Growth Hacking practice can allow you to quickly develop your business. For Growth hackers, it is also important to keep your range of “hacks” up to date. Being one of the most influential cities in Europe in digital marketing, it is also influential in Growth Hacking. Many structures offer training in this area, at all types of prices and quality. There are also many agencies specializing in Growth Hacking in Paris. These can help you develop your business according to your objectives.
Growth hacking on business
Growth hacking is a technique use to rapidly and dramatically increase the volume of a campaign’s tactics, strategy or influence using a few resources. The rapid business expansion is undoubtedly a very useful technique in manufacturing and it is one that you will teach to your workshop participants. Using this modern template gives your presentation a professional touch with the help of which you can explain the theory, address key features, make some suggestions and provide practical exercises. You can take advantage of resources like pages, charts and tables that you can customize to suit your content.
What exactly is growth hacking?
This concept keeps echoing louder and louder in our ears and we don’t always know what it’s about. The answer is not simple. We can try to define growth hacking in one sentence without touching the concrete reality of growth hacking (as we will try to do in the beginning). To quickly define growth hacking, also known as growth marketing, we often use a variety of tricks, both relevant and inadequate.
This definition is quite disappointing, as it does not explain what development is. It also doesn’t make clear what these unconventional practices, these “hacks”, involve. Therefore, we must continue the analysis. To more accurately explain growth hacking, we have chosen four paths. We’ll start by recalling the history of growth hacking, then we’ll try to describe the typical profile of a growth hacker before talking about the ARR matrix and citing some concrete examples of GH.
Identity card of an atypical profile
Then, thanks to examples, comment le Growth Hacker uses these skills. If he wanted to ramp up his work a little, he would say that a Growth Hacker is, fundamentally, an experimenter. This is a person who tests actions (puts features in place), and analyzes, via a method A/B Testing, the result of these actions. The indicators followed to analyze tests can be very diverse: rebound rates, times spent by users on the service, actions by users on the service. The methods to better analyze the results seen daily, not the method of cohorts. Experimenter and fin analyst, the GH is the cornerstone of a long work of linking the service from the acquisition of traffic to the generation of revenues. This leads us all naturally to the matrix AARRR.
And the Growth Hacker in all this
It is very relevant to explain Growth Hacking on the Growth Hacker, it is a way to discount an activity on a personality. In general, a profession is define by an ensemble of know-how, practices and skills. For example, a boudoir is a person who knows how to inflict pain and who, to inflict pain, uses well-identified procedures. Or, le Growth Hacking se plie very defilement à la logic de la fiche-métier. Hence the embarrassment of Sean Ellis, who never hesitated to define his profession and who was forced to invent a new term: Growth Hacker.
Rapid business expansion is not defined by means and tools, but by an objective: to make grow happen rapidly, to make the number of users increase, no matter the means used to reach this end. As Sean Ellis says (decidedly, on many of his own), the Growth Hacker is « a person who has a unique objective of growth. Everything that this person will do as an entrepreneur will be judge by the impact of his actions on the measurable and evolutionary growth of the activity, the product or the service. So-understood barely implicitly: You can do everything you want, including things that are completely illegal, that’s how it works. There are also many agencies specializing in Growth Hacking in Paris. These can help you develop your business according to your objectives.